Summer is Here

Well, we can no longer say we "just moved here" since it has offiically been six months of living in the Bay Area. Although tremendously expensive, it is a fabulous area to live and we are making the most of it. This spring, we have stayed busy with soccer, gymnastics, preschool, church activities, park days, and family outings. We've done a ferry ride to Angel Isand, gone cherry picking up north, and have walked along the beaches of a place whose name now escapes me. I'll think of it later. Anyway, we've had fun!
This summer, however, we are going to the other extreme. That is, we have not signed the kids up for any formal activities and we've made a vow to "take it easy". I don't know what that will mean exactly since EVERY time we've said that before, we seem to get busier than ever. One example of such is that as of last Monday, I am working part time. An opportunity to teach a class at the local college came up and so I'll be doing that this summer and possibly longer. Other than that and some informal trips to the park and library, though, we plan to "take it easy" :)
William's job continues to go well and he may begin studying to take the CPA exam at some point in the future. He's got the technical background, some management training, and international experience. Getting a CPA would give him the chance to develop the areas he's more interested in and move up within the firm. He really likes the company he works for and feels he is learning a lot. We are all extremely proud of him and can't wait to see what opportunities come his way in the future.
William continues to serve as the Assistant Ward Mission Leader at our church and he is now teaching a Sunday School class in Chinese as well. This is very exciting for us as we have longed for the chance to serve, and get to know people, in a capacity related to China. Who knew we'd have that chance right here? It has been great to make new friends, hear people's stories, and begin to use my very, very, very rusty Chinese again!
I have just been called to the Relief Society Board as a preparedness specialist. I can tell I'm going to learn a lot. Being prepared as an individal and as a family is tremendously important and encompasses much more than I'd ever thought about. Everything from the most "mundane" and tangible like planning meals and making sure we have everything we need to keep our homes running as smoothly as possible, to getting and staying out of debt, organizing our finances, and taking care of our physical, mental, and spiritual health. The task before me is to help others with these concepts but it sounds like I'll learn the most in the process and I'm really excited about it.
The kids are doing great and growing quickly. They are hilarious and keep us laughing and learning all the time. It was a hard adjustment for Annabelle to make room for "baby Alex" in our family, but we feel she is doing much better and is feeling more secure about the special place she holds in this family. She is a smart little girl and she keeps us on our toes. Abraham is doing great, as well and is already talking about going to elementary school. I tried telling him they don't take 3-year olds but he is all about going there "next year", he says :) Our little baby is getting chubbier by the day and is smiling, smiling, smiling!! He is sleeping much better and even lets us put him down sometimes. Yeah! He is a very sweet little guy.
Well, that's about it for us. Overall, we're doing great. Life is never perfect and everyone has their private struggles but we feel very, very blessed to have a happy family. Lots of things could be better but I find if I focus on the fact that I have a wonderful husband and three healthy kids---I don't have any business complaining about anything else. I hope you all are/will be happy, as well, and that you will all have a great summer.
At June 17, 2007 at 4:43 PM ,
Desmama said...
What a sweet family. It sounds like you're enjoying things out there. It's hard to believe your little boy is so big--I remember him as just a wee babe! Your others are just sweet.
At June 19, 2007 at 10:24 AM ,
AlexisTexas said...
wow! how fun! you guys sound great, i am glad the adjusting is going well! Lance and I just moved to texas and are doing well...and if you haven't heard, check out our blog too! I tried to find your e-mail, but with no luck, so e-mail me if you get a sec so we can keep each other posted! your family is so cute-they are all getting so big! what a cute little gymnast too-flipping off of couches i am sure! ha...miss you.
ali razz (
At June 20, 2007 at 6:44 PM ,
Jenny said...
Lori, I love reading your updates! I hope you like the new job. Sounds exciting!
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