QIAN JIA TING: All about our Family

"The most important work we will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes."

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Adagio versus Allegro

I just deleted a post that had been published for about 10 minutes. After posting it, I panicked and decided it was too personal. I guess I am not a true blogger, then, since that's what blogging is supposed to be, right? Personal, random--or not so random--thoughts. Our blog, as I said in my profile, is really just to keep friends and family updated. I ventured tonight into a real "stream of consciousness" and then ran back upstairs and deleted it! I did save it, though, so who knows, maybe another day. For now, you'll just have to settle for pics of the sweet kids and their hopefully sweet parents :)

All is well here. We're just enjoying summer and taking every opportunity to enjoy life. It seems to be in the simple things like a walk, watching the kids learn to ride their bikes (or a horse---see pic of Abraham), family dinners, and just hanging out. William finally went golfing and hopefully he'll go again soon. We're planning to use one of our date nights to go play tennis, which I'm looking forward to.

I've got a million projects sitting around here. I've pulled them all out and plan to dive into at least one of them. Let's see, there's the correspondence writing course I began a few years ago. The ever-present goal to get in shape and (hi Erin!) train for a half-marathon next March. Organize all the pics from the last five years. Oh, and didn't I talk about writing a book at some point? Not to mention start a book club? Sigh...yi bu, yi bu (one step at a time). Oh, that's right, I was also going to improve my Chinese. Sigh again...

All kidding aside, I'm excited about getting back to work on some projects that have been neglected for awhile. Knock on wood, the kids' sleeping habits are not horrible and there "should" be time to take on a few more things. We shall see...

William is great, as always. Busy, productive, proactive, happy, sweet husband, and awesome daddy. We could not ask for better :)

The kids are...just so incredibly fun, and funny. They're learning so much and applying it in creative ways. The other day, Annabelle was brushing her teeth and I told her to please hurry, we had to go. She looked at me and said, "No Mom, I'm doing it adagio". And then Abraham chimed in with, "That means slow". Thanks kid. :) Your Mom does know a thing or two. Could we possibly put that toothbrush into allegro mode!?!


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