A Beautiful Day for a Bike Ride

For once in our lives we had a low-key week-end. Well, okay, low key is a relative term. We still did grocery shopping, watched the LDS general conference, folded a ton of laundry, had some friends over for dinner, and made time for a bike ride and some tree climbing. We bought the bikes for the kids last year at about this time. That was probably too soon, but they are getting the hang of it now. We have exactly one tree in our "back yard" and Abraham runs right to it every chance he gets. There is absolutely nothing better than a relaxing Saturday with the family. Enjoy the pics!
At October 12, 2007 at 2:38 PM ,
Headle said...
Abraham and Annabelle look so grown up on their bikes! They are really kids now! And I can't believe how big Alex is getting!! We miss you guys so much!
Wasn't conference amazing? How nice to have a relaxing weekend at home!
At October 13, 2007 at 10:21 PM ,
Shaunna said...
That looks like so much fun. Wish we were there to ride with you. The weather looks great there in northern Cali. much better than our 90 degrees in October. How warm is it this time of year there?
At October 21, 2007 at 6:30 PM ,
Tish Solomon said...
Good to see you're still updating your blog. Fun to see all those pics with the Baileys. And your baby is getting so big. hope you are all well. - Tish
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