Random Thoughts
I love my husband. I love my kids. I have a wonderful family and friends. I have seen tremendous miracles in my life. Despite that, I struggle sometimes. I have far too many emotions, thoughts, regrets, worries, and feelings than one person should have. I sometimes wish I could push the “start over” button in many areas of my life. I often wish I could say what I am really thinking. I wish all my good intentions were reality, or at least had the chance to become real. I wish I had more time, more energy, more discipline, and more clarity of mind and purpose. I have a picture of myself at about age 7. I love the girl in that picture. She had a brightness and confidence in her eyes that I envy. I wish I were the woman that she was to become. Maybe it's not too late.
At November 8, 2007 at 9:11 PM ,
The Piquant Storyteller said...
You're not alone in your random thoughts. I too hope it's not too late. I was thinking today of how happy the gloomy weather made me feel. I thought of the song, "I'm only happy when it rains" by Garbage. What made me feel really good was to know that only the title of the song applies to me now when the whole thing used to be sort of my theme as a teenager. Maybe it's not too late to change and maybe we're changing every day into who we thought we would be at age 7.
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