I've Been TAGGED!!!
I’ve been tagged! I’ll tell you the truth---this is not my first time being tagged. I politely and sheepishly ignored the other two. Yes, I felt guilty about it, but I had no time and had no idea what I would possibly share. After 3 times of being tagged, though, I can hide no more. I was asked to share six facts about myself. Here goes. Um...they got a tad bit long....
#1 I almost joined the army when I was 18. I spoke with a recruiter, took a test, and almost signed up. Explanation? I was going through a difficult time in my life, and naively, I thought the army sounded like a nice escape. I’m glad I changed my mind. Not that there’s anything wrong with the army, but can we really picture “Sergeant Lori”? Hmm…I’m thinking no.
#2 I once traveled through the countryside of China with two kids, 2 port-a cribs, a suitcase, one wonderful husband, and 3 horribly painful kidney stones. I passed them during our “welcome home” party, where it seems entire villages were in attendance and all eyes were on us. My frozen smile was plastered on and I waned to die. Horrible.
#3 My Dad once played his guitar for the famous Spanish guitarist, Andres Segovia. Dad was a self-taught, and exceptional, musician who wanted nothing more than to pass his love and knowledge on to his daughters. I played the guitar for about 6 months, the violin for 2 years, and took piano lessons off and on as a kid. I always did very well at music but I never stuck with anything. I can barely read music now, have mastered no instruments, and cannot carry a tune.
#4 I absolutely LOVE being a Mom. I love the process of it. I even love all the mental and physical energy it takes to try and be a good Mom. I love how we grow right along with our kids. More importantly, I love how they teach us. Kids bring out all that is real in us---good and bad---and force us to examine ourselves, and life, in a way that nothing else can.
#5 I have a husband about whom I cannot complain. Really. You know how with most people, if you think about it, you can think of something about them that you wish you could change? I really cannot say enough good things about William. Objectively, he’s a great person. Subjectively, when taking into account what he has experienced in his life, he is a phenomenal person on all levels. Bragging? Sure, but it’s just plain true folks.
#6 In high school, I was a cheerleader. I wore trendy clothes and hair sprayed my bangs to stand up straight. In college, I wore Birkenstocks, ripped jeans, and listened to the Grateful Dead. In graduate school, I wore frumpy clothes that no respectable 50-year-old would be caught dead in today.
Okay, I suppose it’s a bit more than “6” facts, but since 3 people had tagged me, I figured I’d shove as many useless facts in there as I could. Enjoy!
Now....I tag...Heather, Pam, Janelle, Tristan, Shaunna, and anybody reading this who has not already been tagged, or who would care to do it again!
#1 I almost joined the army when I was 18. I spoke with a recruiter, took a test, and almost signed up. Explanation? I was going through a difficult time in my life, and naively, I thought the army sounded like a nice escape. I’m glad I changed my mind. Not that there’s anything wrong with the army, but can we really picture “Sergeant Lori”? Hmm…I’m thinking no.
#2 I once traveled through the countryside of China with two kids, 2 port-a cribs, a suitcase, one wonderful husband, and 3 horribly painful kidney stones. I passed them during our “welcome home” party, where it seems entire villages were in attendance and all eyes were on us. My frozen smile was plastered on and I waned to die. Horrible.
#3 My Dad once played his guitar for the famous Spanish guitarist, Andres Segovia. Dad was a self-taught, and exceptional, musician who wanted nothing more than to pass his love and knowledge on to his daughters. I played the guitar for about 6 months, the violin for 2 years, and took piano lessons off and on as a kid. I always did very well at music but I never stuck with anything. I can barely read music now, have mastered no instruments, and cannot carry a tune.
#4 I absolutely LOVE being a Mom. I love the process of it. I even love all the mental and physical energy it takes to try and be a good Mom. I love how we grow right along with our kids. More importantly, I love how they teach us. Kids bring out all that is real in us---good and bad---and force us to examine ourselves, and life, in a way that nothing else can.
#5 I have a husband about whom I cannot complain. Really. You know how with most people, if you think about it, you can think of something about them that you wish you could change? I really cannot say enough good things about William. Objectively, he’s a great person. Subjectively, when taking into account what he has experienced in his life, he is a phenomenal person on all levels. Bragging? Sure, but it’s just plain true folks.
#6 In high school, I was a cheerleader. I wore trendy clothes and hair sprayed my bangs to stand up straight. In college, I wore Birkenstocks, ripped jeans, and listened to the Grateful Dead. In graduate school, I wore frumpy clothes that no respectable 50-year-old would be caught dead in today.
Okay, I suppose it’s a bit more than “6” facts, but since 3 people had tagged me, I figured I’d shove as many useless facts in there as I could. Enjoy!
Now....I tag...Heather, Pam, Janelle, Tristan, Shaunna, and anybody reading this who has not already been tagged, or who would care to do it again!
At November 19, 2007 at 5:04 PM ,
The Piquant Storyteller said...
Call me dumb but what does that mean? Am I supposed to share 6 facts about myself in my blog? I loved learning interesting things about you that I didn't know before.
At November 19, 2007 at 5:19 PM ,
Qian Jia Ting said...
Yep, post any 6 facts about yourself on your blog. Can't wait to read 'em!!
At November 25, 2007 at 1:41 PM ,
Janelle said...
Cool - I just read another one of my friend's blogs and she had been "Tagged" If I hadn't read hers first, I dont' think I would have known what to do. Cool - Now I just need to think of 6 things...
At December 13, 2007 at 3:52 PM ,
Heather said...
What is tagging exactly?
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