William is my favorite person. I’ve said it before and I’ll be saying it for eternity. I make no apologies whatsoever for being sappy---he is the link to all my happiness and there is no one else in the world I’d rather talk to, hang out with, be associated with, or look at. He is truly a remarkable husband and an exceptional father. He loves me and the fact that I’ve never doubted that fact says a lot about the man he is!
William is kind. He is intelligent, and he is tolerant. He is keenly aware of many things that go unnoticed by most of us. He is a deep thinker and possesses a rare form of humility that I’m in awe of. He is funny and wise and is providing a wonderful life for me, our children, and is trying to make life as good as it can be for his parents and family members in China. He is highly responsible and truly selfless. I don’t know anyone else like him and I thank God every day that I get to be married to him!
We will celebrate six eventful years of marriage this Saturday, February 16. I can’t offer a complete list of what we’ve seen in that time but it includes love, fun, work, sorrow, sacrifice, growth, travel, joy, pain, sickness, health, three children, two countries, ten moves (if you count the one coming up in two weeks), and miracles, miracles, miracles!
Thank you, William, for not getting a job in Shen Zhen back in 2001. Thank you for using your last kuai to come to Pan Yu for a job interview. Thank you for teaching me what life is about and for making every day of the last six years blissful beyond comprehension. I LOVE YOU!!!
William is kind. He is intelligent, and he is tolerant. He is keenly aware of many things that go unnoticed by most of us. He is a deep thinker and possesses a rare form of humility that I’m in awe of. He is funny and wise and is providing a wonderful life for me, our children, and is trying to make life as good as it can be for his parents and family members in China. He is highly responsible and truly selfless. I don’t know anyone else like him and I thank God every day that I get to be married to him!
We will celebrate six eventful years of marriage this Saturday, February 16. I can’t offer a complete list of what we’ve seen in that time but it includes love, fun, work, sorrow, sacrifice, growth, travel, joy, pain, sickness, health, three children, two countries, ten moves (if you count the one coming up in two weeks), and miracles, miracles, miracles!
Thank you, William, for not getting a job in Shen Zhen back in 2001. Thank you for using your last kuai to come to Pan Yu for a job interview. Thank you for teaching me what life is about and for making every day of the last six years blissful beyond comprehension. I LOVE YOU!!!
At February 14, 2008 at 3:26 PM ,
Athack77 said...
That was so wonderful! I love your pictures. You're so lucky to have a multi-cultral family! Have a great love day. Thanks for sharing.
At February 14, 2008 at 4:09 PM ,
The Piquant Storyteller said...
I love your pictures. I know so many people who got married in February. Interesting. Congratulations. You have a wonderful family.
At February 14, 2008 at 4:09 PM ,
Hannah said...
Those are great pictures!! You are so beautiful!
At February 14, 2008 at 4:18 PM ,
Andelin said...
Oh my goodness! How freakin' cute is that! :-) So beautiful you guys are! Have a happy 6th Anniversary you two!! ~Bethany
At February 15, 2008 at 5:50 AM ,
Sara G said...
How sweet, I wish we could've known you both better before you moved out of Wyview. I actually feel like I'm getting to know you now through blogging (weird, eh?) I love the pic where you're both dressed in Chinese attire. What a happy couple! Enjoy your special day...funny how you were married just 2 weeks after us.
At February 15, 2008 at 6:30 AM ,
Tish Solomon said...
That is so great! you brought a tear to my eye. Happy Anniversary... here's to the next 6 years... may they be even better
At February 15, 2008 at 7:23 AM ,
Desmama said...
What a beautiful tribute. I so wish we'd had more time to spend with you two and your family when we lived in Provo. I love the pictures, too!
At February 15, 2008 at 12:01 PM ,
Janelle said...
I have told you before, but I LOVE your wedding pictures. I think the traditional dresses are just so pretty.
Good luck with the upcoming move. Let me know how it all goes down :)
At February 15, 2008 at 1:37 PM ,
Angie Fellows said...
Happy Anniversary!! You look gorgeous in those pictures. You guys are such a great couple- and you have such cute kids! Good luck with the move- doesn't moving just stink?!?!
At February 15, 2008 at 8:39 PM ,
Lindsey said...
That is soo sweet! Made me cry. Happy Anniversary to ya! Those are beautiful picts! And Good Luck Moving! Can't wait to see picts of the new place. Hopefully ya'll have lots of help!
At February 17, 2008 at 2:47 PM ,
Headle said...
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I'm sooo sorry I didn't check your blog sooner. Its been a little crazy for us, but now I'll be checking in again often :)
You two are SO PERFECT for each other! I don't think your tribute to William was sappy at all! I thought it was so sweet and sincere!
Enjoy another year of your beautiful union! (And those wedding pictures are gorgeous!)
At February 17, 2008 at 8:21 PM ,
Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...
How wonderful life can be! I'm glad you both came to Provo in your travels so that I could meet you. LOVE the photos!
At February 17, 2008 at 9:34 PM ,
Jamie and Erin said...
Congrats on six years of marraige! It goes by so fast! Jamie and I have been married for six years now, too. I was soooo happy to see that there was someone out there that moves as often as we do. We're coming upon our 9th move and I've been pretty depressed about it, but then I saw that you've moved one more time than us in six years of marraige and thought, if Lori can do it (including international moves) than by-golly, I can do it!!! You're my inspiration!!!
At February 22, 2008 at 10:12 AM ,
Jill said...
Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year! Big stuff going on over there. Good luck with the move. I've moved that many times in my 6 years of marriage too! It's not very fun. I love your wedding pictures. You look so incredibly beautiful. And, wow, that picture of Alexander in his high chair in your previous post takes me back to Abraham in Provo! Good times!
At February 26, 2008 at 8:00 PM ,
Justina Selim said...
Happy Anniversary! I love the pictures! I hope you got to go out and have fun!
At February 28, 2008 at 10:26 AM ,
Andelin said...
Hey, Lori. Haven't heard from you for a while and wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and hoping that the move and settling in has gone well. Good luck with everything!
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