Happy 2008?

Okay, his shirt is filthy, but he just looks so cute here, running at me!
Using one of their favorite Christmas presents.
"Hey Abraham, give me a ride!"
"Um...I don't think this is working quite right..."
Okay, no we haven't officially made our blog private yet, but we're keeping that option open. I know it's easier for everyone to take a quick look without logging on, so for the moment we'll leave it public. I was just sort of annoyed by people (okay, one person) whom I don't know making a comment. I'm sure he was just innocently advertising but still. I do put a LOT of personal information about the kids on here and I worry sometimes that maybe that's not so wise. I'm also thinking of starting another blog to get out my "real thoughts", and make that public. That way, this family-update blog could just be for friends and family. Still thinking about this...bear with us.
Um, happy new year? I don't know. I'm in a funk, for lack of a better word. I could list all kinds of wonderful things about my life---tremendous blessings, fun experiences, and goals for the upcoming year---but I'd rather just say "eh, another year for me to dwell on all the things that bug me, hurt me, annoy me, hinder me, etc." Sounds pretty negative, right? I agree! But you know what? It's the truth about how I feel sometimes. I'm pretty good at putting on a happy face, but "dang it" (as my four-year-old says now) I'm just not going to today. I'll wear my Eyore, woe is me face instead.
Okay, what I should be doing right now, rather than sharing my "negative Nellie"-ness is preparing my lesson for Sunday. I'm teaching Relief Society (the class for women at my church) and um...ya...it's in Mandarin. I have not prepared at all because (insert list of excuses here) and Sunday is fast approaching. My sweetheart babe of a husband just walked in and I'm thinking he's going to be a tremendous help in this area.
More about 2008 coming...
At January 17, 2008 at 6:56 PM ,
Jenny said...
I didn't know you guys skied! Looks like fun. Happy new year.
At January 18, 2008 at 6:37 AM ,
Athack77 said...
I've lived in Utah for almost 2 years and haven't gone skiing yet. Lake Tahoe is really beautiful, we went thier on our honeymoon almost 12 years ago.
At January 18, 2008 at 9:33 AM ,
The Piquant Storyteller said...
What was up with the comment you were talking about? I bet it was a spammer. I will talk to you about it later. I'm glad you had fun on your date skiing with William. You guys deserved that day alone and away from it all.
At January 18, 2008 at 1:14 PM ,
Janelle said...
Wow - skiing in Tahoe? How fun! Who watched your kids?
At January 18, 2008 at 11:09 PM ,
Andelin said...
Great pictures! I'm sorry about the "funk." I know what you mean. We've all been there. Hopefully it won't last long though. From my point of view, you sure look happy with a wonderful family! That's sure something to smile about, eh? (to use a Kiersta/Canada-ism);-) Hope you feel better soon. :-)~Bethany
At January 19, 2008 at 4:32 PM ,
Jamie and Erin said...
Was your skiing date without kids? Lucky you! Looks like you are all doing wonderful!
At January 20, 2008 at 2:21 PM ,
Jill said...
That looks like a pretty great date with your hubby!
I'm feeling some of that burnout myself. I was just thinking of blogging about it to try to get it out of my system. I hear you!
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