It's A Wonderful Life
I just read my friend Tish's blog. She asked those of us who read or look at her blog to at least say "hi" when we read it so that she has some idea of who's keeping up with her updates. I thought that was a nice idea, so I'll make the same request. If you'd like, make a comment, even if it's just to say "hi". And if not, that's okay too---I know not everyone has a google account. But anyway, I'm going to try to be better about commenting on friends' blogs too. It is nice to keep the communication going. Thanks. Enjoy the recent pics. More to come, of course :)
This was taken the night of William's company party. We headed in to the city for a rare night out on the town. It was strange---I kept looking around for the kids, wanting to count heads and make sure everyone was alright. I guess that's a sign that I REALLY need to get out more!

Daddy Harley Davidson heading into a get-together with Little Harley and girl in pink :)
We had to squeeze all 3 kids into William's car while we had the oil changed in the van. They certainly made a party of it, as little guy tries to grab big Sister's candy cane.
Our friends, Linda and Gustavo, hosted a farewell party for the Cluffs (they say they are moving to Utah but I'm in denial.) Here are Tori, Nicholas, Abraham and Annabelle enjoying their dinner.
At December 17, 2007 at 4:27 PM ,
The Piquant Storyteller said...
Hi Lori!
I love the picture of you and William. You look really good. And I still can't believe your kids all fit in your little car.
At December 17, 2007 at 4:33 PM ,
Hannah said...
I always read your blog, Lori! You look absolutely beautiful, Lori!!!
At December 17, 2007 at 5:01 PM ,
Erin said...
I agree comments are always great. You look great in your date night photo!
At December 17, 2007 at 5:12 PM ,
Desmama said...
Yay for fancy date nights on the town! It's times like that when I think I need more fancy clothes and then I think, why? I don't do this that often. You look so fabulous in that picture. I loved y'all's Christmas card. Such precious children.
At December 17, 2007 at 6:17 PM ,
Sara G said...
Merry Christmas Lori & William! YOu need to come visit sometime. I love catching up on your family...such beautiful kiddos!
At December 17, 2007 at 8:03 PM ,
Jenny said...
Hooray for work parties! Love the shirt.
At December 17, 2007 at 8:56 PM ,
Angie Fellows said...
You look gorgeous Lori!!! I love reading your blog. Your kids are adorable!! I can't believe how grown up they all are. It has been too long. I still feel bad that we left the bay area before you got there- we would've had so much fun together! Miss you!
At December 17, 2007 at 10:11 PM ,
Shaunna said...
You look great in the picture for Williams work party. Red is your color. Call me on my cell if you get a chance.
At December 17, 2007 at 10:20 PM ,
Shmobby said...
Lori!!! So great to hear from you! I almost didn't recognize you in the pic - you look fabulous with long, dark locks! :)
So glad you found me. I'll be coming often to see pics of your adorable munchkins!
Merry Christmas!
At December 17, 2007 at 11:25 PM ,
Headle said...
These pictures are precious! You and William are a gorgeous couple. What a fun date night!
I love the pic with the kids in their carseats. What a cute little crew :)
Thanks for the sweet comment for Dan's birthday. He loved it!! Not to mention the thoughtful Christmas letter. We love and miss you guys so much :)
At December 19, 2007 at 4:06 PM ,
Brian and Elizabeth Shelley said...
I can't BELIEVE how big your kids are getting! It is so crazy. I hope things are going well in San Fran!!!!
At December 26, 2007 at 6:54 PM ,
Amy said...
Abraham looks so old in these pictures! I feel like I need to be re-introduced! Love and miss you guys!
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