Random Fun At Home
We have been enjoying the process of getting ready for Christmas. This was the first year we bought a full-size tree. We had a few ornaments from family and friends, but most of what is now on the tree are new ornaments purchased at Ikea. Kind of fun to begin our own traditions in our new home. Last year, we had just arrived here on December 22nd, so it wasn't much of a Christmas, at least not in the traditional way. So, we were determined this year to really make a big deal out of the process of putting up the tree. The kids really enjoy re-arranging the ornaments and every morning Abraham asks me to turn on the Christmas tree lights. They're excited, which makes us excited too. Other than that, I've included a couple pics of them in their new Christmas jammies from the Bailey's, as well as some random pics at home.
Mei Mei pondering life, looking sweet as ever
We love our Christmas tree!
Yeah! We get to stay up 5 more minutes!!!
"Hmm...I've not quite sure what to do with this."
"Are you enjoying that bowl, baby Alex?"

Abraham loves to help me prepare dinner
And obviously, so does Annabelle.
Alexander has decided he loves to eat corn.
The kids love their baby brother so much
She's putting the ornament in just the right spot
At December 8, 2007 at 9:41 PM ,
Janelle said...
The layout of your living room is different every time I see it! I can't get over how much Alexander has grown - he will be walking soon. Time to find that baby gate!
We missed ya'll tonight at the ward party.
At December 9, 2007 at 9:50 AM ,
Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...
They are growing up so fast... Abraham looks like a little man! Darling! How fun it is to start your own Christmas traditions. Love the pics.
At December 10, 2007 at 6:38 AM ,
Amy said...
OK, but is he really walking? I can only ask that because your children have super powers. Didn't Annabelle and Abraham both walk before 10 months?
At December 10, 2007 at 7:25 AM ,
Qian Jia Ting said...
Crazy, huh? Yep, Abraham walked before 8 months and Annabelle at 9 months. These kids just can't wait to get on their feet, I guess!
At January 5, 2008 at 9:49 AM ,
Tish Solomon said...
I can't believe it so long since you moved out of Wyview!! Wanted to say hi, since you keep posting great comments on our blog! thank you! it's alway s good to know that there are friends out there thinking of us. We are thinking of you too:-)
At January 18, 2008 at 4:49 PM ,
Woodlands said...
This is so fun for me to see all of your blogs. I just wanted to say hello It has been so long. YOu have such cute kids, and one more I didn't know about. I hope to hear back from you. Love, jessica Woodland
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