Our Little Guy is Four!
Abraham had his birthday party last Saturday, and what a party it was! He had sixteen of his "closest friends" there and these kids knew how to party. We'd begun the planning two weeks prior, when we went around delivering his invitations to his friends. William and I thought we'd do the "simple"-type party at home, but of course, there was nothing simple about it :) We stayed up late the night before converting our garage into party central, making cupcakes, and preparing all the goodie bags. We had all kinds of themes going---cars balloons and table cloths, Thomas cake, and football plates, cups, and party hats. The kids ran wild having fun and eating pizza, cake, and lots of other snacks. It was tiring for us but he certainly had fun. Now we're getting ready to do it all again next week for Annabelle, who will be turning three. Stay tuned for updates on that! Happy Birthday, Abraham!
"Am I really four years old already?"
Abraham and some of his party guests playing in his room.

Examining his "loot" with help from his friends
Presents, presents, and more presents!

Baba proudly brings in the cake.

At December 29, 2007 at 10:51 AM ,
Ryan & Kiersta said...
Lori, the party looks like it was a blast! I wish we could have all been there...Abraham looks so grown up. Love ya girl, Kiersta
At December 31, 2007 at 7:58 AM ,
Jamie and Erin said...
Wow! I can't believe Abraham is four years old...Time flies! Looks like you all had a great time. Miss you all!
At January 3, 2008 at 6:56 PM ,
Lindsey said...
Happy Birthday Abraham and Annabelle! You really know how to throw a party! That is impressive. That cake looks amazing too! Love the picts! I love you're Christmas pict too. So cute!
At January 4, 2008 at 12:34 PM ,
Unknown said...
He's so handsome! It's so great to see pictures. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to believe he's really 4 years old.
At January 4, 2008 at 11:56 PM ,
Headle said...
Abraham is four years old?! I can't believe it. He's grown up so fast!
Looks like the party was a blast...no surprise there, everything you do is FUN!
What a fun update! Happy birthday Abraham and Annabelle. Andrew misses you guys too :)
At January 5, 2008 at 9:50 AM ,
Tish Solomon said...
That looks like a great party, and I can only imagine the chaos. I was glad that we only had enough space for 6 kids in our apartment...whew! Well done. Hope Annabelle's has gone well too. And Abraham looks like such a big independent boy.What an age...4 yrs old!
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