A Morning in the Life of a Mother
Our Precious, Amazing, Sweet, Smart Babes!!!

Warning: "Graphic" Post involving childrens' bodily Functions.
So, I got up this morning and weighed myself. I have gained 2 pounds in the last week. Bummer. Wait, make that a BIG bummer. I'm not surprised, but I was still disappointed.
Then, I got the baby and changed his diaper, got him dressed, and brought him downstairs for breakfast. Yikes! Ants! Ants! All over the counter, the sink. Aaaaggghhhh!!!! Wanting to scream, but not screaming, I calmly made the baby a bottle and put him in the living room. I cleaned up the ants, sprayed, opened the windows for ventilation....This went on for awhile.
Abraham got up. Got him breakfast, dressed, etc.
Kept going on the clean-up process while doing some other pick-up tasks.
I heard Annabelle waking up, just as I was going to put the baby down for his nap. The timing on this could not have been better. As I walked into her room, I smelled something. Something bad. Something I haven't smelled from her room in a long time. It was poop.
She had pooped her pants at some point during the night and the poor girl slept in it. It had oozed out of her pull-up onto her mattress. I'll stop the description here. Okay, deep breath. I carried her to the tub, peeled off the layers, and cleaned her sad, red, little bum. Once everything was washed off, she had a nice bubble bath.
I hand-washed as much as I could and then started a load of laundry. Cleaned up all I could. Then I tackled her mattress. It's a smaller-than-normal mattress, so I just dragged it downstairs. I tried to take the cover off, but the zipper was stuck. I tried for quite awhile, but it wouldn't budge. I found the pliers and tried again, but it still wouldn't budge. I knew I only had a window of time before she would be ready to get out of the tub, followed by the baby waking up.
I grabbed the scissors and just cut the cover off. I took it out to the trash. Scrubbed the mattress and set it ouside to "air out". The thought occurred to me that I should just throw it away, go to IKEA, and get another one. Didn't do that yet---better talk to William first.
Got her out of the tub, dressed, worked on the laundry mess. Eventually, the baby woke up. Went and got him, changed his diaper, and put him in his high chair. The kids wanted to make eggs so we did. As I was cooking the eggs, the kids were talking to the baby.
Abraham: "Hi Baby. Did you have a good nap?"
Annabelle: "He's happy."
Abraham: "You're cute, baby."
Annabelle: "And you're sooo smart, baby".
Abraham: "Mom, I love the baby."
Annabelle: "Me too."
Me, silently. "Thank you, God. That makes it all worthwhile."
Labels: Amazing, Babes, Our Precious, Smart, Sweet
At January 21, 2008 at 11:29 AM ,
Shaunna said...
I hope everyone gets the chance to live our lives and have three children. Sounds like you had a fun morning. If it makes you feel better I put on the same two pounds this week. Love ya, take care.
At January 21, 2008 at 5:36 PM ,
Headle said...
You are such an INCREDIBLE mom! I look up to you so much! You don't even realize what a positive example to everyone you are! Where do you think your kids come up with such a loving view of the world--
Its you and William and the way you tackle real life problems.
I miss hearing those stories first-hand, but this blog is the next best thing :)
At January 21, 2008 at 6:12 PM ,
Qian Jia Ting said...
Heather, it seems to me you where there on that other horrible poop day when Abraham was about 18 months old. De Ja Vu!! I miss you too!
Shaunna--sorry about the 2 pounds. We'll have to talk soon.
At January 21, 2008 at 10:07 PM ,
Andelin said...
What a day! Children are sure a roller coaster of the best and the worst! I was thinking today that before parents have toddlers, they should take classes in cleaning crazy messes. It's amazing the predicaments of messes we get into. Sometimes I have to just sit and think about a mess for a while before I know how to attack some of them.
At January 24, 2008 at 5:55 AM ,
Sara G said...
Oh man, the joys I have to look forward to...the girls haven't had a blow out in over a month and I'm sure it wasn't as bad and smelly as a toddler's poopy. Can't wait :|
At January 24, 2008 at 1:36 PM ,
Desmama said...
Aw, you have such great kids! These stories are so cute.
At January 25, 2008 at 12:49 PM ,
Athack77 said...
You're such a trooper. Poo messes are the one thing that's really hard for me. Puke and other body fluids aren't so bad, but the poo is hard for me. I've also found lately that the age of 4 is when kids really start enjoying younger siblings especially babies.It's like they know they're little people now. Thanks for sharing.
At January 27, 2008 at 10:31 AM ,
Hannah said...
That DOES make it all worthwhile! What darling kids you have!
At January 29, 2008 at 9:08 AM ,
Jill said...
So true. I knew motherhood was going to be hard, but I didn't know that the lows are so low and the highs are so high. I think you are an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing. And thanks for your comment on my "complaining" post. I'm glad you felt it was refreshing. It's just that after a week went by and I re-read it in a little healthier place, it felt like I was just saying poor me, you know? Thanks for your unconditional love!
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