Our Beloved Prophet has Died
President Gordon B. Hinckley died yesterday at age 97. For my LDS readers and friends, William and I join our hearts to yours in honoring this amazing man of God. For our friends reading this entry who are not of our faith, thank you for giving me the chance to tell you a little bit of who this person was.
To us, he was our prophet. We believe---members of the LDS faith all over the world---that he was truly a prophet of God. Just as Abraham, Moses, and others spoke for God, we believe that President Hinckley also held that role. He prophesied of so many things. He did so much good in this world. He loved everyone, truly believing that we are all brothers and sisters regardless of our beliefs. He showed his love in word and deed, and the man never sat still!
He traveled, he served, he led, he taught, he read, he studied, he learned. He was a humble servant. He was one of the most optimistic, pragmatic, intellient, and one of the wisest people I'd ever been in the presence of. He made the most of life, living it to the fullest, and encouraging others to do the same. He loved the Savior, Jesus Christ. He lived his beliefs.
He helped me. We never met, but he helped me so much. His presence, his spirit, his testimony of God the Father, of Jesus Christ, and of the restoration of the gospel strengthened me. He attitude, his wise words and counsel, and his very actions and example literally changed my life.
I loved him. I will always honor him. I respect him. I know he was more than just an incredible man. I know he was a prophet of God. I am thankful for that knowledge. To any of my friends who would like more information on him or about anything related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, please ask me. Post any questions you'd like. I welcome them. And if not, that's okay too! I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this and to share in honoring someone so important to me, our beloved President Hinckley.
The following websites have more details on his life and work. http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=e419fb40e21cef00VgnVCM1000001f5e340aRCRD
At January 28, 2008 at 10:53 PM ,
Athack77 said...
I only wish I could have met him in person. I'm taking my girls to see him while he's "lying in state" at the church office building on Friday.
At January 29, 2008 at 7:50 AM ,
Hannah said...
Sweet Post, Lori. I will miss him.
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, by the way!!
At January 29, 2008 at 9:05 AM ,
Jill said...
Amen! I like how you said he helped you. He helped me too. In so many ways even though I never met him either.
At January 29, 2008 at 1:20 PM ,
Sara G said...
He's the prophet I was able to teach people about during my mission. Never to be forgotten, thanks for sharing your testimony!
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