Nothing to Brag About, Part Two
I just posted "nothing to brag about" and was thinking about how I wrote that I need to be a better Mommy. I just realized that instead of doing 3 billion other things, I should have been paying attention to my children. Maybe their "murals" were a cry for my attention, a plea for me to reasuure them that despite all the upcoming changes, we are a family and life is wonderful! Maybe they were trying to tell me something with their acting out. Or...maybe they're just a little naughty. Anyway, I still love them :) and despite my very loud reaction to what they did, I think they still love me.
So, share. What has made you want to "run away and eat a dozen donuts" (or whatever your equivalent not-so-healthy stress-buster is) lately?
So, share. What has made you want to "run away and eat a dozen donuts" (or whatever your equivalent not-so-healthy stress-buster is) lately?
At May 29, 2008 at 3:33 PM ,
The Piquant Storyteller said...
Oh Lori! It sounds like you need this little lecture with Dr. Marshall Zaslove tonight as badly as I do!!!
At May 29, 2008 at 3:49 PM ,
Desmama said...
I've had several of these kinds of days lately, and I'm just lowering my expectactations of myself and everyone else. We're all under duress and we're all feeling pressed upon, so I'm just kind of easing up. We're shifting into a lower gear, so to speak, just working on moving forward, no matter the speed.
I also indulged in some Vanilla Heath Bar Ben & Jerry's today. That helped. ;)
At May 29, 2008 at 6:08 PM ,
Erin said...
As I was reading your post Olivia came over and said, "I didn't give the cat a hair cut!" Sure enough, I look over and there is a pile of black fur and a conspicuous bald spot on the cats neck.
I think I might have some of that chocolate cake I made today....or at least stare at it for a while before I go to the gym.
Hey, when are you guys leaving? I didn't realize it was so soon. We'll be out in the Bay Area next week. If you have spare moment, it'd be fun to get together before you move to the other side of the world. :) Email me. :)
At May 30, 2008 at 6:45 AM ,
Jamie and Erin said...
Oh, Lori! I wish I were there to help you! Sometimes it's just nice to have a helping and/or sympathizing hand! Over the past four-and-a-half months I've had many days of wanting to indulge. With Jamie being gone for that long and a lot of unknowns in our future, it's hard not to give into every temptation. Soraya's been pretty good despite everything. I guess it's the frustrations with my dear, sweet hubby that drive me to indulge!
At May 30, 2008 at 8:56 AM ,
Athack77 said...
Some days are better than others, just remember that. It's okay to not be perfect as long as you tell your kids that you're sorry (if you felt like you're out of line) give them love and try again. Just remember how stressful moving is in general, let alone to another country. Just remember that all this is temporay, and don;t be too hard on yourself, you're an amazing woman!
At May 30, 2008 at 12:40 PM ,
Qian Jia Ting said...
Thanks for all the great comments! It's comforting to remember that we all have "those days". I like desmama's idea about lowering expectations and easing up. Gonna work on that. Again, I'm always grateful for my blogging pals!
At June 3, 2008 at 7:41 AM ,
Headle said...
One of the things that I love most about you Lori is your gift of finding humor in everything!!!
You always have a way of brightening up every situation with your beautiful smile and quick wit! I'm so grateful that you never take life too seriously, because you help me remember to do the same :D
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