BYU Women's Conference 2008

Steven, Janelle, and Tori--our friends from Pleasanton who are now at BYU.
Ryan, Kiersta, Hendrix, Faryn, and Errson
Errson snuggled right up to me as if he sees me every day of his life!

Randalyn, me, Wendy, Kiersta, Shaunna, Christine
The whole crew
It was phenomenal. I left Wednesday night and have just returned on Sunday. My darling husband took two vacation days and cared for our three children for four days so that I could attend this wonderful event. I had never been away from our children for more than one night (the only time I’ve ever been away was when I was in the hospital having another child) and I took some much needed “Mommy time”. It was wonderful! I missed my sweet family but a few days away, learning all of the amazing things I did, gives me renewed strength and optimism, from which we will all surely benefit.
I saw our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, and heard him speak on kindness, service, and love. I heard intelligent, amazing women speak to us about our profound, special, and significant role as women, wives, mothers, and daughters of God. We heard one of our favorite speakers, John Byetheway, speak with his Mom. I attended sessions on several great and inspiring topics, but overall it was the spirit of the conference and my renewed faith and clarity of purpose that were the greatest gifts.
Of course, hanging out with my wonderful, fun, exceptional friends was also a key highlight! (Thanks to John and Shaunna for arranging the buddy pass!) Spending some awesome “sister time” with my sweet little sister, Chrissy, was much needed and really great too. It was also just fun to be back in Provo, a place of very tender memories for William and I.
And now, I am home. The house is quiet and amazingly, not a mess. William and the kids are at church and should be home soon. I can’t wait to see them! I love my family, I love my friends, and I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am incredibly grateful to be a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Not only do I simply believe in its doctrinal truth, but its teachings make me a better person, or at least someone who is truly trying to be.
Wishing you all a great day!
At May 4, 2008 at 6:14 PM ,
Angie Fellows said...
It sounds like an amazing experience! I'm so glad that you got to have some "personal" time. I'll have to tag along next year.
At May 4, 2008 at 7:19 PM ,
Sara G said...
It was sooo good to see you and I'm glad you enjoyed WC. Next year I am def going to attend w/ you girls. You all look so beautiful! Say hello to the fam...
At May 5, 2008 at 10:08 AM ,
Headle said...
How FUN to go to Women's Conference with your friends :D That's SO NEAT!!!
Lori--You are SO PRETTY!! I LOVE your hair--its adorable!!
I'd love to hear some of your insights and neat things you learned there!! You always have the neatest perspective. I learn so much from you!
At May 5, 2008 at 12:55 PM ,
Janelle said...
It was so great to see you! Don't you love Tori's scowl on her face? She really was happy to see you, too!
Keep in touch!
At May 5, 2008 at 9:23 PM ,
Hannah said...
I was fun to see you all! It made me miss our WyView days...
At May 7, 2008 at 1:23 PM ,
Athack77 said...
What a fun trip for you guys! BYU offers such wonderful programs. We are so blessed!
At May 7, 2008 at 8:43 PM ,
Shannon said...
I hope you get this message. Brad and I will be coming to San Francisco the first week of June, and we'd like to get together with you for dinner in Chinatown, possibly.
At May 9, 2008 at 3:01 AM ,
Jamie and Erin said...
What a wonderful experience! I was very sad that I couldn't attend this year. I'm glad you got the renewal of Women's Conference. It really is an amazing experience. You look so happy and beautiful! Now that's a confident woman!
At May 16, 2008 at 1:06 PM ,
Jill said...
That sounds wonderful! I remember all those beautiful girls! What a good time.
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