QIAN JIA TING: All about our Family

"The most important work we will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First Day of Preschool!

We started a new tradition last night. On the night before school, the kids get a special present. Last night, after bath time, we presented them with gift bags which they excitedly opened. Abraham got a "Diego" book; Annabelle got a "Dora" book. Abraham chose to sleep with his new book, while Annabelle carefully put her book back in the gift bag and placed it right outside her bedroom door. Hmm...

The drop-off at preschool went fine. Abraham loved his first day. Annabelle, according to her teachers, said nothing the entire time but still did okay. She is always very shy at first in new settings. She's been attending nursery at church since January and is just now beginning to give her teachers a glimpse of her personality. She is very talkative at home, so this is always interesting to us. Once we got home, though, she told me all about her day. I'm anxious to see how Thursday goes for her.

Alexander is crawling all over the place. That kid amazes us! We can't keep up with all the new things her learns. He is such a happy, chubby, adorably sweet baby. His middle name, Ping, means "peace" in Chinese. We decided upon that name when I was pregnant, knowing that with all the complications I'd had, there was going to be something special about this baby. He has indeed brought so much peace to our lives. I look at his face and I see nothing but miracles.

Speaking of miracles. I was thinking the other day about my husband. Have I mentioned that I love that guy tremendously?!?! If ever I needed a reason to believe in God, of which I have many, going to China and meeting William is right at the top of the list. That was a miracle for me and he says, for him too. He is, quite simply, my favorite person and I am eternally ecstatic and grateful to be his wife.

Anyway, happy "back to school" everyone!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Haircuts: The After Pics

Haircuts: The Before Pics

The kids have been long overdue for haircuts. I have been cutting Abraham's for the last couple of years, and that was fine when I kept it short and just used the clippers. However, when I decided to let it grow out a bit and actually see his hair, it looked, well, you can see in the before pics. Annabelle, on the other hand, still basically has her baby hair. Some in back, less on top, and hardly anything on the sides. So, we've been doing the best we could. Anyway, we finally broke down and went to a "kids salon".

It was actually a great experience. No stress. The kids get to sit on a motorcycle or pony, watch their favorite movie, and get their haircut. They even give candy at the end. Not as cheap as cost cutters but oh, so worth it. When Abraham was finished with his haircut, he yelled, "Mommy, I did it!".

I had been telling them how good they were, how handsome/beautiful they were going to look and when we got back into the van Annabelle said shyly, almost under her breath, "I look pretty". So, some positive self-image boosts came out of the experience, as well.

Baby Alex was so good throughout the whole thing too. As a Mom, I knew that a trip to the hair salon with 3 kids 3 and under could go two ways---fine or psychotic. I was so grateful that this particular trip was more than fine!