QIAN JIA TING: All about our Family

"The most important work we will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving in San Diego!

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you all had a chance to relax and reflect on the good things in life. We took the opportunity to go to San Diego to visit my neice Shaleen and her husband, Jason. We had a GREAT time! Jason is in the U.S. Navy, so we got a VIP tour of his ship, as well as the naval base. We went to Coronado beach, saw the city, and had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. My neice is a great cook and she and Jason were wonderful hosts. We can't wait to see them at Christmas! Enjoy the pics.

All of us at Coronado Beach

Shaleen and Jason lookin' cute as ever

Annabelle relaxin' in the sand

The Fam

The Sweetest Babe Ever

"I'm over the sand...my hands are dirty."

Havin' Fun with the kids

Father & son lovin' every minute of the Beach

ONE more minute, Dad!!!!

At Jason's Naval Base

Jason carvin' the turkey

Tryin' on the Fireman hats :)

Lori & William on the ship

Our "best" family picture :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

I've Been TAGGED!!!

I’ve been tagged! I’ll tell you the truth---this is not my first time being tagged. I politely and sheepishly ignored the other two. Yes, I felt guilty about it, but I had no time and had no idea what I would possibly share. After 3 times of being tagged, though, I can hide no more. I was asked to share six facts about myself. Here goes. Um...they got a tad bit long....

#1 I almost joined the army when I was 18. I spoke with a recruiter, took a test, and almost signed up. Explanation? I was going through a difficult time in my life, and naively, I thought the army sounded like a nice escape. I’m glad I changed my mind. Not that there’s anything wrong with the army, but can we really picture “Sergeant Lori”? Hmm…I’m thinking no.

#2 I once traveled through the countryside of China with two kids, 2 port-a cribs, a suitcase, one wonderful husband, and 3 horribly painful kidney stones. I passed them during our “welcome home” party, where it seems entire villages were in attendance and all eyes were on us. My frozen smile was plastered on and I waned to die. Horrible.

#3 My Dad once played his guitar for the famous Spanish guitarist, Andres Segovia. Dad was a self-taught, and exceptional, musician who wanted nothing more than to pass his love and knowledge on to his daughters. I played the guitar for about 6 months, the violin for 2 years, and took piano lessons off and on as a kid. I always did very well at music but I never stuck with anything. I can barely read music now, have mastered no instruments, and cannot carry a tune.

#4 I absolutely LOVE being a Mom. I love the process of it. I even love all the mental and physical energy it takes to try and be a good Mom. I love how we grow right along with our kids. More importantly, I love how they teach us. Kids bring out all that is real in us---good and bad---and force us to examine ourselves, and life, in a way that nothing else can.

#5 I have a husband about whom I cannot complain. Really. You know how with most people, if you think about it, you can think of something about them that you wish you could change? I really cannot say enough good things about William. Objectively, he’s a great person. Subjectively, when taking into account what he has experienced in his life, he is a phenomenal person on all levels. Bragging? Sure, but it’s just plain true folks.

#6 In high school, I was a cheerleader. I wore trendy clothes and hair sprayed my bangs to stand up straight. In college, I wore Birkenstocks, ripped jeans, and listened to the Grateful Dead. In graduate school, I wore frumpy clothes that no respectable 50-year-old would be caught dead in today.

Okay, I suppose it’s a bit more than “6” facts, but since 3 people had tagged me, I figured I’d shove as many useless facts in there as I could. Enjoy!

Now....I tag...Heather, Pam, Janelle, Tristan, Shaunna, and anybody reading this who has not already been tagged, or who would care to do it again!

Friday, November 9, 2007

I decided today to get a professional picture taken of Alexander. The kids had picture day at school yesterday, so it seemed like a good time. I bought the little outfit on the spot and had his picture taken right there in the same store. I thought they turned out nicely. I especially love his expression in this first one. Some of the best photo moments are those we don't plan too far in advance! Anyway, enjoy the pics of our eight-month-old sweet boy.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Random Thoughts

I love my husband. I love my kids. I have a wonderful family and friends. I have seen tremendous miracles in my life. Despite that, I struggle sometimes. I have far too many emotions, thoughts, regrets, worries, and feelings than one person should have. I sometimes wish I could push the “start over” button in many areas of my life. I often wish I could say what I am really thinking. I wish all my good intentions were reality, or at least had the chance to become real. I wish I had more time, more energy, more discipline, and more clarity of mind and purpose. I have a picture of myself at about age 7. I love the girl in that picture. She had a brightness and confidence in her eyes that I envy. I wish I were the woman that she was to become. Maybe it's not too late.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The True Blending of Two Cultures

I've always thought Annabelle is smart, creative, and likes to do things in her own way. However, seeing her decide to eat her pizza with chopsticks the other night really surprised me. She saw nothing odd about this whatsoever. All I could do was grab the camera. A person doesn't see this every day, not even in our house!

Halloween 2007

"Check out all this candy, you guys!!"

At our ward's trunk or treat party
We were all very proud of our Chinese "Uncle Sam" who won first prize in the costume contest!

These are my wonderful park day friends, along with all our cute kiddies, except Parker, who was asleep by this point!