QIAN JIA TING: All about our Family

"The most important work we will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes."

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Yes, We Had An Earthquake

Just a quick note to let you know that yes, the earthquake hit not too far from us and we most definitely felt it. It was very strange and a little scary. We felt the floor and other furniture moving, there was a huge noise, and the pictures on the wall kept rattling for minutes afterwards. It wasn't terrible, obviously, but it made me think a lot about being prepared. It also make me think about what matters most. We always go in and look at the kids after they've gone to sleep, but last night, seeing them safely tucked in their beds took on new meaning. We all know it's going to be part of living in the bay area, but still, you're never quite "ready". As my neighbor said last night: "Welcome to California!"

Happy Birthday to My Favorite Person

October 28 was William's birthday. It was his "real" birthday, as indicated by the lunar calendar. His birthday changes every year, something I don't really understand. It stays the same on the lunar calendar, but changes according to our conventional calendar. I've never been able to understand it, so we usually celebrate it in September, which is his "paperwork" birthday. However, we decided this year to actually celebrate it on September 18, which happened to be October 28. Make sense? Not really? You're not alone, but it works for us.

Anyway, the birthday man came downstairs to a special breakfast of noodles with an egg on top. The noodles symbolize longevity, so it's good luck to eat them on your birthday. The egg symbolizes something---I have no idea what---but his Mom used to give that to him every year so I thought I would too :) We then went to church, I let him have the Sunday afternoon nap (he usually lets me have it) and then we enjoyed a dinner party with some friends.

William is an extraordinary person in many ways and I am incredibly blessed to be his wife. He is, quite simply, my favorite person. He has changed my life in miraculous ways. He is as near perfect a husband as there is, a fantastic father, and a very unique, special, strong person. I just love him more than words can say and I always will.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What's October without a Pumpkin Patch?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

An Amazing Woman

William's grandmother passed away. She was an amazing woman whom I loved. She was tender and always had a smile on her face. She loved to hold my hands in hers and talk. I remember when I was so incredibly nervous to meet William's family, she was the one who put me at ease because she was not afraid to show affection. When William and I tried to do a family history project one year, she was the first to open up about her childhood memories and she shared so much of herself with us. She raised quite a family, was a wonderful grandmother to William, and I'm so grateful that two of our kids got to meet her last summer in China. She will be missed.
(If you'd like to see more pics of Grandma and the rest of our family in China, please look under "older posts" at the bottom of the screen. They are under "Remembering a trip to China" and "More China 2006". )

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Beautiful Day for a Bike Ride

For once in our lives we had a low-key week-end. Well, okay, low key is a relative term. We still did grocery shopping, watched the LDS general conference, folded a ton of laundry, had some friends over for dinner, and made time for a bike ride and some tree climbing. We bought the bikes for the kids last year at about this time. That was probably too soon, but they are getting the hang of it now. We have exactly one tree in our "back yard" and Abraham runs right to it every chance he gets. There is absolutely nothing better than a relaxing Saturday with the family. Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Quickest and Longest Road Trip Ever

We got up at three o'clock Thursday morning. We packed the van and left at four, headed for Utah. A dear friend had passed away and the memorial service was to be held on Saturday in Salt Lake City. On Saturday, we had time to see Aunt Chrissy, Nadeen, the Bailey's, and of course, Harold's wife, Jeannine and his daughter, Amy. Then, Sunday morning we drove back. Quite exhuasting but we were very grateful we had the chance to go.

Harold was a wonderful man who showed great love and friendship to our family, especially to my sweet parents. I guess he is with them now, which is comforting, but he will be missed.

Despite the very sad reason for the trip and the fact that there was not sufficent time to see all those we wished we could see or do all we wished we could do, it was great to see the Colbys, Nadeen, the Baileys, and Aunt Chrissy.

The kids were so great, despite the long journey. We were all so happy to get home Sunday night. It truly was one of those "home sweet home" moments. Anyway, we jumped right back into life and so far, the week if off to a good start. To those Utah friends we didn't get to see, we hope to do another Utah trip next spring---this time for more than 48 hours!