QIAN JIA TING: All about our Family

"The most important work we will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes."

Friday, December 28, 2007

Our Little Guy is Four!

Abraham had his birthday party last Saturday, and what a party it was! He had sixteen of his "closest friends" there and these kids knew how to party. We'd begun the planning two weeks prior, when we went around delivering his invitations to his friends. William and I thought we'd do the "simple"-type party at home, but of course, there was nothing simple about it :) We stayed up late the night before converting our garage into party central, making cupcakes, and preparing all the goodie bags. We had all kinds of themes going---cars balloons and table cloths, Thomas cake, and football plates, cups, and party hats. The kids ran wild having fun and eating pizza, cake, and lots of other snacks. It was tiring for us but he certainly had fun. Now we're getting ready to do it all again next week for Annabelle, who will be turning three. Stay tuned for updates on that! Happy Birthday, Abraham!
"Am I really four years old already?"

Abraham and some of his party guests playing in his room.

Baba proudly brings in the cake.

Yeah! Blowing out the candle.

Examining his "loot" with help from his friends

Presents, presents, and more presents!

Monday, December 17, 2007

It's A Wonderful Life

I just read my friend Tish's blog. She asked those of us who read or look at her blog to at least say "hi" when we read it so that she has some idea of who's keeping up with her updates. I thought that was a nice idea, so I'll make the same request. If you'd like, make a comment, even if it's just to say "hi". And if not, that's okay too---I know not everyone has a google account. But anyway, I'm going to try to be better about commenting on friends' blogs too. It is nice to keep the communication going. Thanks. Enjoy the recent pics. More to come, of course :) This was taken the night of William's company party. We headed in to the city for a rare night out on the town. It was strange---I kept looking around for the kids, wanting to count heads and make sure everyone was alright. I guess that's a sign that I REALLY need to get out more!

Daddy Harley Davidson heading into a get-together with Little Harley and girl in pink :)

We had to squeeze all 3 kids into William's car while we had the oil changed in the van. They certainly made a party of it, as little guy tries to grab big Sister's candy cane.

Our friends, Linda and Gustavo, hosted a farewell party for the Cluffs (they say they are moving to Utah but I'm in denial.) Here are Tori, Nicholas, Abraham and Annabelle enjoying their dinner.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Random Fun At Home

We have been enjoying the process of getting ready for Christmas. This was the first year we bought a full-size tree. We had a few ornaments from family and friends, but most of what is now on the tree are new ornaments purchased at Ikea. Kind of fun to begin our own traditions in our new home. Last year, we had just arrived here on December 22nd, so it wasn't much of a Christmas, at least not in the traditional way. So, we were determined this year to really make a big deal out of the process of putting up the tree. The kids really enjoy re-arranging the ornaments and every morning Abraham asks me to turn on the Christmas tree lights. They're excited, which makes us excited too. Other than that, I've included a couple pics of them in their new Christmas jammies from the Bailey's, as well as some random pics at home.
Mei Mei pondering life, looking sweet as ever

"Hmm...I've not quite sure what to do with this."

"Are you enjoying that bowl, baby Alex?"

We love our Christmas tree!

Fun during dinner

Abraham loves to help me prepare dinner

And obviously, so does Annabelle.

Alexander has decided he loves to eat corn.

Yeah! We get to stay up 5 more minutes!!!

The kids love their baby brother so much

She's putting the ornament in just the right spot

decorating the tree

Walkin' Man

Monday, December 3, 2007

A Visit To the Oakland Temple

Last Sunday night, our family went to the Oakland temple to see the lights. We decided to walk around the visitors center first because the kids always love to see the big statue of Jesus. Well, the second we walked in, we saw a sister missionary from China! We were so surprised and elated to talk with her. We told her a little about William's experience in becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and about how different things were for the Church in China just five years ago.

It gave us a good excuse to really pause and think about all that has happened in our family in those 5 years. There have been miracles, for certain, and I personally am very grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that without it, my life would be very different.

When we went to the visitors center that night, we watched a short film about families. It showed two new, young parents wondering, in all the complexitiies of the world, what was the most important thing they could teach their child? The settled on three: That she's loved, that's she's a child of God, and that their family could be together forever. I thought about it, and decided that everything else we need to teach our children can flow from those three. How grateful I am for my family---our little family, yes, but aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents as well.

I'm reminded of a quote I came across just yesterday while reading the Ensign. It is from President Gordon B. Hinckley. He said: "Do you want a spirit of love to grow in the world? Then begin within the walls of your own home. Behold your little ones, and see within them the wonders of God, from whose presence they have recently come."

After seeing the "big Jesus" as Annabelle calls the statue in the visitor's center, she said: "Mom, that's Jesus. He loves us so much." I was touched by her statement and was about to respond to her when she added with a strong look: "But He is NOT coming in our van!". So, I didn't know what to make of that. Perhaps in all we're trying to teach her, she's also learning to have very strong feelings about the van. Who knows!

Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season. Happy December!