An Update

Working hard on Mommy's birthday cakes (yes, I HAD to have two. I mean, should a person really have to choose between chocolate and vanilla?!?)
I had a tooth pulled last Tuesday and it didn't go so well. I've been in sort of a "coma" all week. To put it mildly, I've been in pain. It has been he**, if you know what I mean. In the midst of all of that, I celebrated my 35th birthday, which was fun despite the tooth issues. I'm still coming out of the "pain coma" so my excitment isn't in full force yet, but I expect good things this year. 35 is a good number, at least to me. I don't want to jinx anything, but I have high hopes for this year. I'm preparing to tackle some of the burdens I've been struggling with for way too long and I'm preparing to actually BE who I already AM. Hope that makes sense to you---if not, I guess I'll explain it throughout the year.
Well, let's see. Last night I was thinking of all the tasks I need to accomplish in the next few days. I've got a bunch of stuff to cut out for the kids' preschool. I'm subbing as the primary music director (insert laugh here) in another ward on Sunday and need to prepare for that. I've got another Relief Society lesson in our Mandarin group the following week, which I need to get cracking on. I start work next week and I haven't begun to put together a syllabus for the course I'm teaching. There was the writer's bureau assignment I promised I'd finish before my birthday (oops!) and...oh ya, get some boxes to start PACKING!
As crazy as it sounds, and it will be crazy, I'm so excited! We found another rental (yes, as we live in the Bay area and are not rich, we are in the "rental" world") and we'll be moving in about a month. We found a cute house right down the street and for the first time, we'll be living in an actual house---unattached, with a yard. It will be good for us on a number of levels and I'm looking forward to getting settled in.
So, with work, family, church, and life, we add moving into the mix. I told William, "Hey, at least we can say I've had lots of practice packing us up" :) So, the whole process will be very familiar.
In other news, William had the privilege of speaking at our church's stake conference last week-end. It was a really wonderful experience for both of us, even though he was the one preparing and giving the talk. Putting your focus and energy into something so worthwhile brings blessings of peace. I think we both learned a lot.
I will keep you posted on life. I love looking at other people's blogs and love seeing your comments on mine. Stay in touch!